Blogs have come to occupy a different space in people's lives since the advent of Facebook. Back when I joined Xanga, it was the major way I kept in touch with friends from college and found out about their lives. Now that FB has taken over, blogs seem a bit more specialized. Since we already have a forum for the more mundane happenings of life, a blog needs a bit more of a niche... more of a reason to exist. I'm not sure that I know yet what the purpose of this one is, but I want to find out, and that will require a little testing of the waters.
As the title of this blog suggests, I am on a journey - in more ways than one. The day I took the picture below (the one of the mossy door) was an amazing day that I spent hiking by myself on the shore of Lake Windermere. In its quiet, unassuming way, that day marked a big step in my life and a beginning of sorts... towards finding my way in God's world, amidst all the choices and options that are out there for me, among all the voices telling me what I might or ought to do with my time on earth. Finding one's true vocation in this world can be a difficult and confusing journey. It's not one straight line from Point A to Point B, despite our best efforts to order it just so. I want to share what I find along the way. I believe that Tolkein is right - the little steps we take each day end up propelling us most of the way in life. God grant us the grace we need to order those small steps rightly.
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